
The Department of Enterprise Services (DES) maintains the website and is committed to making our covered technology accessible. DES is also committed to meeting the Washington State Office of the Chief Information Officer's (OCIO) Accessibility policy requirements where it makes business sense and is within our means. We have assigned an Accessibility Officer and begun the inventory assessment of covered technologies used by DES to determine our level of compliance.

Strategy and Priorities

DES has a large portfolio of computer systems and websites and is committed to evolving them. If you experience difficulty accessing a page or document on, email us at Please describe the problem you encountered and its location on our website, along with your contact information.

For an Optimum Experience

For the best experience navigating and applying to jobs on the state of Washington job opportunities site, we recommend using NVDA screen reader with the most up-to-date version of one of the following browsers: Microsoft Edge with Chromium or Google Chrome.

Please be aware: licensing costs for assistive technologies are the user’s responsibility and are not the responsibility of the state of Washington.